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Quantum Efficiency of a Vertical Junction Diode


For the structure shown in Figure 7.2, the photocurrent is composed of two components: the drift current due to the drift of holes and electrons in the depletion region, and the diffusion current due to the diffusion of carriers outside the depletion region ([Moini 94]).

Figure 7.2: The structure of a junction photodetector. tex2html_wrap_inline7211 is the metallurgical junction depth, W is the width of the depletion region, and tex2html_wrap_inline7215 is the thickness of the epitaxial layer.

The drift current in the depletion region is:


where G(x) is the carrier generation rate for an incident photon flux, tex2html_wrap_inline7712 , in a semiconductor with an absorption coefficient of tex2html_wrap_inline7714 , and is given by




tex2html_wrap_inline7716 and tex2html_wrap_inline7718 are the depletion region extents in the n and p sides of the junction and are given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline7720 is the reverse bias voltage applied to the junction, and tex2html_wrap_inline7330 is the built-in potential of the junction and is equal to


The diffusion component of the current can be found from the diffusion equation:


where tex2html_wrap_inline7724 and tex2html_wrap_inline7726 are the diffusion coefficients of the minority carriers, tex2html_wrap_inline7728 and tex2html_wrap_inline7730 are the lifetime of excess carriers, and tex2html_wrap_inline7732 tex2html_wrap_inline7734 are the equilibrium minority carrier densities. The above equation can be solved under the boundary conditions tex2html_wrap_inline7736 , tex2html_wrap_inline7738 , tex2html_wrap_inline7740 , and tex2html_wrap_inline7742 to obtain


where tex2html_wrap_inline7744 and tex2html_wrap_inline7746 are the diffusion lengths of excess carriers, and


The diffusion current can be found as


which can be simplified as


The parameters tex2html_wrap_inline7724 , tex2html_wrap_inline7726 , tex2html_wrap_inline7730 , and tex2html_wrap_inline7728 can be derived from the following empirical formulas for silicon, as a function of impurity densities


The total current is the summation of the drift and diffusion currents.


The above equations can be simplified for single-sided and shallow junctions for a better understanding of the effect of different parameters on the photoresponse of the device, but we keep them in their general form. The measured absorption coefficients for silicon is shown in Figure 7.3. Typical parameters of a p-well-substrate and a diffusion-well silicon junctions are shown in Table 7.1. The simulated quantum efficiency, tex2html_wrap_inline7756 , for these devices is plotted in Figure 7.4. As is seen the quantum efficiency of the diffusion-substrate junction is more than the other two structures and it also spans over a wider spectrum.

Figure 7.3: Measured absorption coefficient of silicon.


Diode structure tex2html_wrap_inline7211 tex2html_wrap_inline7215 tex2html_wrap_inline7764 tex2html_wrap_inline7766 tex2html_wrap_inline7768 tex2html_wrap_inline7770 tex2html_wrap_inline7746 tex2html_wrap_inline7744
tex2html_wrap_inline7318 tex2html_wrap_inline7318 tex2html_wrap_inline7780 tex2html_wrap_inline7780 volts tex2html_wrap_inline7780 tex2html_wrap_inline7318 tex2html_wrap_inline7318
p-well-substrate 2.25 10-15 tex2html_wrap_inline7790 tex2html_wrap_inline7792 0 tex2html_wrap_inline7794 199.6694
n-diff-p-well 0.472.25 tex2html_wrap_inline7792 tex2html_wrap_inline7798 0 tex2html_wrap_inline7794 199.6 0.71
p-diff-substrate 0.4710-15 tex2html_wrap_inline7798 tex2html_wrap_inline7804 0 tex2html_wrap_inline7794 446.8 0.289
Table 7.1: Typical parameters of silicon junctions in a 2 tex2html_wrap_inline7217 m p-well standard process provided by Orbit Semiconductor Inc.

Figure 7.4: Simulated quantum efficiency versus wavelength for three different junction diodes in a 2 tex2html_wrap_inline7217 m process.

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Alireza Moini,
Centre for High Performance Integrated Technologies and Systems (CHIPTEC),
Adelaide, SA 5005,
March 1997