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Moini et al.'s insect vision-based motion detection chip


The Moini et al.'s insect vision chip is a biologically inspired motion sensor [Moini et al. 93, Moini 94, Yakovleff et al. 93]. It is an implementation of the template model [Horridge and Sobey 91] for insect vision.

A simplified model of insect visual system is illustrated in Figure 3.11. The insects neuro-optical system is composed of three layers: lamina, medulla, and lobula or lobula complex. Lamina consists of photodetectors and automatic gain control circuitry. Medulla contains the small spatial field motion detectors, in addition to many other complicated functions. The primary wide-field motion computation is located in lobula complex. Lobula plate ( a part of the lobula complex) is also characterized by large directionally sensitive motion detection (DSMD) neurons. In the template model the motion information is obtained by thresholding the temporal gradient of the intensity, tex2html_wrap_inline7392 , at each pixel. The resulting output indicates three states: Increase, Decrease, and No-Motion, which can be coded using two digital bits. This output is then sampled and stored. Templates are formed by collating the outputs of two contiguous cells and at two consecutive sampling instants. The templates are then coded to represent low level motion information. The rest of the processing which involves tracking of some specific templates is done using six tracking engines. The location of the tracked templates are reported off-chip.

The chip has a 1D array of 64 photoreceptors, followed by a differentiator shown in Figure 3.13. It also contains RAMs for storing the templates and final results only for interfacing purposes. Six search-and-track engines have also been implemented which operate on specified areas of interest in the image. The chip has been fabricated in a 2 tex2html_wrap_inline7217 m CMOS process in an area of 4.5mm tex2html_wrap_inline7232 4.6mm. The detectors and analog processing elements only occupy 1.8mm tex2html_wrap_inline7232 0.6mm and the rest is dedicated to digital processing modules.

Figure: A simplified block diagram of insect visual system used in Moini et al.'s insect vision chip.

Figure: Formation of templates in Moini et al.'s insect vision chip.

Figure 3.13: Schematic of Moini's differentiator.

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Alireza Moini,
Centre for High Performance Integrated Technologies and Systems (CHIPTEC),
Adelaide, SA 5005,
March 1997