The Matrix Array Picture Processor (MAPP) sensor array, which has a very similar architecture to PASIC sensor described in section 2.8, consists of a 2D sensor array and a SIMD processor array [Forchheimer et al. 92, Åström 93]. The architecture of MAPP has borrowed many of the concepts of the PASIC sensor, and has improved some of the logic in the ALU by dividing it into three units: a global logic unit (GLU) for marking specific processing elements, a neighborhood logic unit (NLU) for performing operations such as left and right edge detection, and a point logic unit (PLU) for performing general arithmetic and logical operations.
MAPP2200 has been commercialized by Integrated Vision Products AB (IVP) since 1991. A system consisting of MAPP2200 camera and assembler is available from IVP. The MAPP2200 has 256 256 sensors. In a 1.6 m CMOS process the chip occupies an area of 10mm 15mm.