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Espejo et al.'s Smart Pixel CNN


In  [Espejo et al. 94e, Espejo et al. 94b, Espejo et al. 92, Espejo et al. 93b, Espejo et al. 93a, Espejo et al. 94d, Espejo et al. 94c, Rodriguez-Vazquez et al. 96] Espejo et al. describe cellular neural network-based (CNN) chips designed for image processing. The main advantage of CNN for VLSI implementation is the locality of interconnections. Each cell in a CNN only connects to its nearest neighbors. The modified equation governing the behavior of a CNN is given by:


where g() is a nonlinear term defined by:


x is the state of the cell, D is an offset factor, A and B are weight factors, u is the input, and y is the output given by


Different terms in these equations can be easily implemented using current mode circuits. The dx/dt term has been implemented using a current mode integrator in the feedback loop.

Two special chips with different connections and weights have been designed and fabricated in a 1.6 tex2html_wrap_inline7217 m 1P-2M CMOS process. The first one contains a 16 tex2html_wrap_inline7232 16 array for detecting connected components (DCC). The chip dimensions are 2.5mm tex2html_wrap_inline7232 2.5mm, and dissipates 42 mW. Each cell in this chip occupies tex2html_wrap_inline7580 . The second chip performs Radon transform on a 16 tex2html_wrap_inline7232 16 image. In this chip the input can be selected from external or internal (optical) sources. The chip operates in sampled-data mode. The chip area is 2.67mm tex2html_wrap_inline7232 2.68mm, and its power dissipation is 330 mW. Cell dimensions are tex2html_wrap_inline7586 .

Both chips use the multisensitivity photodetector in darlington mode (See Figure 2.23). The circuits operate in the above-threshold region (as opposed to subthreshold) to achieve better mismatch. However, other factors such as power dissipation and transistor sizing have been traded off.

A later design with more flexibility and functionality uses a 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline7217 m process with 20 tex2html_wrap_inline7232 22 cells in an area of 30 tex2html_wrap_inline7236  [Rodriguez-Vazquez et al. 96]. This chip also uses darlington connected phototransistors. The weights can be loaded into the array. Therefore, the chip can be programmed to perform different functions. It has successfully demonstrated operations such as low-pass image filtering, corner and border extraction, hole filling, and motion detection.

This ftp site contains many of the publications of the group working on VLSI CNN chip, and also Espej's PhD thesis.

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Alireza Moini,
Centre for High Performance Integrated Technologies and Systems (CHIPTEC),
Adelaide, SA 5005,
March 1997